
Showing posts from 2017

Argan Oil - Review Product

Sebelumnya di review product Cetaphil saya menyinggung nama Argan Oil , nah kali ini saya mau review tentang produk yang lagi naik daun ini, di Indonesia masih baru sekali, sebelumnya Argan Oil sudah terkenal di negara-negara barat sebagai salah satu minyak yang berkhasiat untuk perawatan kecantikan, lalu apa itu Argan? Argan Oil atau Minyak Argan sesungguhnya berasal dari benua Afrika, tetapi banyak sekali bintang-bintang Hollywood menggunakannya karena minyak ini bagus untuk kulit. Bahkan produk conditioner  dan beard oil suami saya juga mengandung  Minyak Argan, saya ga mau kalah dari suami, haha ...!  Minyak Argan ini berasal dari buah pohon Argan ( Argania Spinosa ) yang hanya tumbuh di Maroko, Afrika Utara. Pohon ini pun terkenal langka, maka dari itu pohon ini dilindungi oleh UNESCO, kenapa langka? Karena pohon ini baru dapat berbuah saat pohonnya sudah berusia sekitar 30-50 tahun, dan untuk mendapatkan 1 liter Minyak Argan , membutuhkan 30 kg buah argan! WOW !!

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser - Review Product

Halo! Sudah tau belum produk Cetaphil ? Kali ini saya mau review salah satu varian nya yaitu Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. Kulit saya cenderung berminyak tapi tidak terlalu parah, maksudnya lebih ke kombinasi kering-berminyak namun minyak nya lebih banyak daripada kering, hahaha ... Ya begitu intinya. Waktu pertama kali masuk kuliah semester awal (tahun 2011) jerawat di wajah saya parah sekali, jerawat memenuhi pipi saya sampai setiap hari kalau keluar saya harus pakai mask supaya tidak kena debu dan malu juga karena tipe jerawat saya adalah cystic acne atau nama lainnya adalah jerawat batu, saya akhirnya memutuskan perawatan ke dokter dan melakukan beberapa kali facial wajah juga di klinik tersebut, saya juga menggunakan produk organik dari Melilea dan alhamdulillah jerawat saya semakin lama berangsur menghilang setelah 3 tahun perawatan, tapi akibat facial wajah tersebut meninggalkan scars , sedih... Faktor muncul nya jerawat bermacam-macam, ada karena faktor ma

How To Learn English, Self-Taught

Are you interested in foreign language? Do your learn foreign language? Are you a polyglot? Well... I have some tips How To Learn Foreign Language by Self-Taught (English). Learning a language is no easy task, but if done right, it will be fun and exciting. Here are a few brief tips to help you spend your time wisely.  1. Grammar Grammar is perhaps the least exciting and most difficult part of learning a new language. Some people associate memorising boring grammar rules with language learning itself. This is unfair but expected. Being forced to learn anything, in school or otherwise, is always unappealing, and language rules are no exception. However, the truth is that grammar is the biggest shortcut to learning a new language. Learning the "rules" of a language allow you to accomplish in two years what takes a native speaker the first 8 or so years of their life. This is because native speakers learn things by trial and error. This is like tr

Find your international friend by doing Snail Mail Pen Pal

Hello, there! It's been a long time since the last time I updated my blog. I totally forgot my password, and I'm just glad I got my account back! So now, I will regularly be posting here. Well then. So let's talk about pen pals. You must figure out how to find a friend who is willing to exchange mail with you. In my experience, I got friends from around the world online from being their pen pals. How, you may ask? Well, let's take a trip back in time to 2009 when I surfed the Internet for the first time.   I actually had created my Facebook account the year before in 2008, but I didn't know how it works. I just randomly added people who crossed on my home page. I still remember the first time I added my friends from school and many of my friends from other countries who I didn't really know in person. During this time, I realised that my English was very poor. I was in secondary school then, and the Internet was still quite new to me.